Tag Archives: E-signature

Less Space, Less Mess, Go Green!

paper pileEver been a party to Real Estate transaction? Whether you were the Broker, Agent, buyer, or seller, you know the amount of paperwork that is involved. It’s practically a paper intensive industry and never ending, right?  Save time and money with less to print by going paperless!


What exactly does going paperless mean? One meaning behind it is to have an online filing system to manage your transactions such as DotLoop, Dropbox, SureClose, or Transaction Point to name a few. These management platforms will help you stay organized and in compliant.  Of course, it’s an expense to go paperless; however, an Agent or Brokerage can save money in the long term with printing, gas, document storage, and cost to fax/copy.  Just think how convenient that would be to have your client’s documents ready for them at a moment’s notice.


Another definition to going paperless that I have seen become very popular with Agents is E-signature. This sure saves Agents money and time! Clients have the privilege to sign anywhere and anytime.  Worried you won’t get that last document signed for closing while your client is on vacation? Here’s an example of how well this comes into play.


file_climbLet’s reduce the paper waste and start saving. Having these simple tools are definitely beneficial.


Content Credit to one of Iseley & Walsh Real Estate Group’s Transaction Coordinator.